The other day I was discussing with one of my close friends about his "things to know" about IIT/IITians and was quite surprised to know that he still wondered how IITians manage their time while preparing for JEE. Although I've touched upon my preparation earlier, but let me approach this topic again. Being their in the vicinity of IITians for so long now, I've realized its not really about time management alone. The fact is most IITians are faster when it comes to solving problems, have better IQs and grasp concepts faster. Nothing new but the point I'd like to emphasize to all students is don't worry about time management too much. Its not that all IITians put a lot of extra effort compared to others. Yes, nobody takes the exam lightly. But it also isn't the case where they are preparing for 12 hrs a day for the whole 2 years of their preparation. My average would be close to be around 4-5 hrs excluding coaching hrs in a day. Coaching was 12-16hrs a week And yes including weekends. Being a lazy person, I never compromised on my sleep which always averaged somewhere between 7-8 hrs. Yes, I and my coaching teachers thought I should put in more effort but if anyways you are not able to concentrate you automatically are not getting anywhere. My best guess is the number of hours on an average an IITian prepares would be normally distributed around 6. Again, I would stress people who are quick in their thought process require far less time and prepare with ease compared to the less luckier ones. When I look at the top 20 rankers of JEE I feel irrespective of the number of hours I put in I can never score more in a subject than them and invariably that is true. It might sound as if hardwork and amount of time is irrelevant but its not. It does make a difference, the only thing to remember is it can only help to an extent. You have been blessed or not blessed with certain IQs and your understanding, liking and preferences are unique. Everybody's style is different. Be comfortable with it. One more thing, hardwork becomes important as it helps in building momentum and confidence and keeps you focused and on your toes. So never underestimate its importance. So if you are one of those you are not so gifted but are always dedicated and can put it those 12-14hrs kind of study hrs go for it. Because it only can take you higher. But if you are one of those who can't concentrate for more than 6hrs just chill because there are many like you. Don't look around too much for depression but only for inspiration. Do your best. One thing that always helped me in that exam was competing with myself. Call it ignorance or anything else but I was too immersed in my preparation all the time. I would recommend the same if you are serious about your results. And to conclude, its immaterial to think too much how to manage your time better n all, just do as much as you can and relax. Easier said than done though. But yes, please do not conclude that 1-2hrs a day would do unless you are a genius :P
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