That describes me. As a senior of mine examines my resume he laments the inevitably conspicuous "average" tag on me. Being quite aware of the fact of being jack of all trades and master of none what can I say. Eventhough I've always strived hard it's hard to find an extra-ordinarily gifted talent within myself. Don't know whether it exists or not but the search is on and the persistence persists.
IIT subsides all doubts, if any, of being an underachiever as there are masters who can make you look quite small. It's a bit sad to keep on losing more often than not, as effort competes with gifted talents, nevertheless the experiences teach.It's not a crime to be born ordinary or is it?However these setbacks create a possibility of becoming the famous failure when everybody ese become successful.
During my very first interviews the gentleman asked me about my speciality.The unconvincing reply"With the diversity I possess i can handle most of the assignments given to me". He seemed quite offended when I opined it's actually a bit tough at this stage to figure out one field for an individual. Our opposing views ensured my rejection and an advice of focussed approach to ponder upon. But the complexity of the problem is my normalcy and ordinariness.
I find my strength in being quite aware of what I am but still feel quite clueless how to use this ordinariness of diverified capabilities to dwell well and build a future. Whatever be the case I'm resolute to fight these failures as failures are shapers of humble learners but I'll still opt for success.
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